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Linh Niller's Gift Picks

Where style and taste are concerned, Linh Niller knows it’s in the way you carry yourself. When selecting her clothes, she does it with intention and self-expression.

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"I picked out a selection of gifts that work perfectly together, yet each individual piece can also pair effortlessly with the rest of one's wardrobe."

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Who were you thinking about with your gift selection?

I was thinking about my best friends and sister when coming up with this selection of gifts. I can totally envision them looking and feeling amazing in these pieces!

What do the holidays and giving mean to you?

They mean sharing in the joy and happiness that comes from taking the time to slow down and show our appreciation to the people we love.

Tell us about the charity/non-profit you chose for donation. How did you get interested?

I chose The Jed Foundation which is a non-profit organization that protects emotional health and prevents suicide for teens and young adults in the United States. I’m an advocate because of my own experiences at a young age and because of how I've seen it impact those around me. With the increasing use of social media, I believe there needs to be more support for mental health. But it also offers us hope and inspiration on our own journey to becoming a more loving, accepting version of ourselves.  

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“The Holidays mean sharing in the joy and happiness that comes from taking the time to slow down and show our appreciation to the people we love.”